This week in maths we have been practicing counting up and over 100. In buddies we took a collection of items and had to work out how many things there were. We counted up in a range of ways including 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Watch and listen to our thinking below.
Explaining our Maths from Hope School on Vimeo.
Wow Mrs have some great mathematicians in your class! I was looking at your blog to see the A and P show creations (which I didn't get a chance to see on Friday) but then I saw this incredible counting the children were all doing. It certainly is very handy to learn to count using all those different ways. I might show the room 3 children how you have been doing it. As we have been using the slavonic abacus lately to count in tens and I am sure they would like to see the ways you guys have been counting using lots of different objects. Thanks Mrs Ross