Friday, 6 April 2018

Playing with Proverbs

Today in class we had a bit of fun playing with proverbs. Mrs Kern gave us the beginnings and we finished them off. We hope you enjoy reading them below.

You can't teach an old dog new sign language.

You can't teach an old dog new things like flying.

You can't teach an old dog new jumps.

You can't teach an old dog if your invisible.

You can't teach an old dog new things.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

No news is no people know what is happening.

No news is boring.

No news is disappearing.

No news is old.

No news is here.

No news is nothing.

Children should be heard and not screaming. In class they listen.

Children should be heard and not fired.

Children should be heard and not pushing.

Children should be heard and not ignored.

Children should be heard and not loud.

Children should be heard and not hit.

If you lie down with a dog you'll get furry.

You are never to old for an adventure.

Where there's smoke there's a fire engine.

Where there's smoke there's danger.

Miller talking about oil spills

Miller's Oil Spill from Hope School on Vimeo.

Noah talking about the SPCA

Noah J talking about the SPCA from Hope School on Vimeo.

Anna talking about oil spills

Anna talking about oil spills from Hope School on Vimeo.

Kaiteriteri Trip

Big Day Out Kaiteriteri March 2018 from Hope School on Vimeo.