We are a year 1/2 class at Hope School in Nelson New Zealand.
Our blog is mainly used to help us link to other areas to support our learning. We now share what we are doing in class on Seesaw with our families.
Our Maths Challenge this week involved us creating necklaces for a school fair. We had 8 beads (4 of one colour and 4 of another colour). In creating our necklaces we had to think mathematically and make them symmetrical. Our challenge was to see how many designs we could come up with.
Today we had a chance to show our parents what we have been learning during our dance sessions with Ezra and Dean. It was a lot of fun showing off our dance moves, and we thought it was especially cool when we asked the audience to dance with us. (If parents have got any other videos we could share on the blog please email them to us at school).