Thursday, 28 August 2014

Sunday, 17 August 2014

A Wee Cutie Visits

Cameron and Hunter brought their newest family member around the classes to share. He was a wee wild pig they had found last time they were out hunting. His name is Horace. Room 4 thought he was sooooo cute!!!



At discovery I made an exploding bag. My exploding bag exploded. It scared me. Then I went to the huts. I made a big hut.

By Jasleigh


I did the puff paint. It looked like a cloud in disguise. The first puff paint I did wasn’t thick enough so I solved the problem by adding more paint, which made it thicker.

By Eden


At discovery I played Operation and it kept buzzing, it was so annoying. Even when I went to give the tongs to Mya it buzzed! One time I got all the little pieces, Mya got really upset and I was so puffed!

By Rebecca



I made a super big hut. I zoomed making it. I loved my hut. I zoomed and zoomed but it kept breaking. I cried and cried.

By Chloe